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Wet Well Wizard Questionnaire
Wet Well Wizard Price Quote
Lift Station ID
Town / State or Elevation
How deep is your lift station?
What is the diameter, or water surface dimensions, of the wet well for that lift station?
A single Wizard ejector will handle wet wells up to 10 feet in diameter. Two Wizards will handle wet wells up to 15 feet in diameter or 180 sqft of surface area. In this case the same blower will drive both Wizard ejectors. Larger round, square or rectangular wells are possible. Larger blowers can always drive more than 2 Wizard ejectors
What is the minimum water level in the wet well (pump-off depth)?
What is the maximum water level in the wet well (pump-on depth)?
Are pumps located in the absolute center of the well?
Most pumps are located close to the wall of a wet well. If they are in the center, away from the wall (circular or square wells under 80sq feet of surface area) two Wizards will be required.
Is there a building at the lift station that houses the power panel?
Is it possible to locate the blower inside a building? If not, it is suggested that a blower cover be considered.
Distance, in feet, from the power panel to the bottom of the wet well?
Thirty five feet of air hose is supplied with each Wizard. This hose must reach from the bottom of the wet well to the location where the blower will be located. There should be at least one to two feet of slack in the air hose.
Voltage and phase, and Hz of the power for your lift station?
Single and three phase blowers, and any Hz are available.
Primary problem?
H2S Odor
Wall Scum
Please describe the primary problem
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